WhatsApp has been add much features lately, One of the feature allow you to send photo to anyone on WhatsApp and the receiver can only view once, Disappearing messages, The other allow you to fast forward a voice note, 2X, 3X etc. But today i will be telling you about this new WhatsApp update called Voice waveforms.
This new version added two features that allow you to see voice waveforms and also the ability to stop voice recording. Users can see the real-time waveforms that represent their pitch while recording a voice message.
One the other hand, the second feature allow you to listen to your voice message before sending it, i canr tell WhatsApp is making things easier, before you can only record then send before you can listen to what you send then if you don’t like it, you can delete for everyone and start another voice note message but the receiver will know that the old voice message has been deleted but now you can stop voice messages(records) and listen before sending.
You can see the features in the images above. While recording the waves matches you voice tone and you can see the stop button at the middle and the other image shows that after recording you can listen and also delete if you want.
WhatsApp beta version is now available for Android devices and Users of iOS can match their version to the update.
Image Credit: Wabetainfo.