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In this article, we’ll explain how to change the default notification sound on your iPhone.

How to Change Your iPhone’s Default Notification Sound

With the introduction of iOS 17.2, Apple has changed the default iPhone notification sound. Then, with the iOS 17.2 update, it introduced an option that lets you change that default notification sound if you don’t like it.

Here’s the easiest way to change the default iPhone notification sound:

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  1. On your device, open Settings
  2. Scroll down and tap on Sound & Haptics.
  3. Click on Default Alerts.
  4. Click on any of the sound options, the new sound will play.
  5. If you don’t like the new sound, tap a different one.
  6. When you’re satisfied with your new default notification sound, you can close settings, and the new sound will play the next time you receive a notification.

How to Get the Old iPhone Notification Sound Back 

When Apple changed the default notification sound, lot of iPhone users were not satisfied with the new sound because it was too quiet or difficult to hear. If you want the old notification sound back, follow the instructions in the previous section and select the Tri-Tone option.

Tri-Tone is the sound that Apple used for default notifications before Rebound, so using that is the way to get your old notification sound back.

How to Change Your iPhone’s Default Haptics Notification 

In addition to setting a custom default notification sound on your iPhone, you can also customize the haptic feedback associated with default notifications. Haptic feedback (the fancy term for vibrations) occurs in addition to the notification sound, so you can choose whichever pattern you want or even turn it off.

Here’s how to change your iPhone’s default haptics notification:

  1. Open Settings, and click on Sound & Haptics.
  2. Select Default Alerts.
  3. Tap Haptics.

4. click on any of the haptics options.

5. Your phone will vibrate to demonstrate the haptic feedback.

6. Choose a different option or close settings if satisfied with the new default haptic alert.

What Is the Default iPhone Notification? 

Your iPhone has a default tone that plays alongside notifications.

Before iOS 17, Apple used “Tri-Tone” as the default notification sound. With the introduction of iOS 17, that was switched to a shorter, more staccato sound called “Rebound,” which some people find more difficult to hear.

When you change your default iPhone notification sound, all notifications that use the default sound will switch to the new sound you selected. The same is true when you set a new default haptic pattern.

Notifications associated with apps with their custom sounds and haptic patterns aren’t affected when you make that change, so they will continue using their custom sounds.

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